Vernon Sheen, DMD

888 Bestgate Road Suite 201, Annapolis MD, 21401
(410)266-1007 verified


How to Deal with Bad Breath..

11/21/2015 11:21:00 AM by Vernon Sheen, DMD

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a common complaint and can be caused by a variety of lifestyle habits or health concerns. Dr. Vernon Sheen understands your personal concerns and will take the time during your visit to our Annapolis, MD office to determine the cause and recommend appropriate treatment. In many cases, a change in lifestyle habits or additional oral hygiene is sufficient to address chronic bad breath. Here are a few quick tips on how best to keep your breath fresh: Brush and floss daily: brushing the teeth twice a day for two minutes (2X2) reduces bacteria in the mouth and removes food particles that become lodged and contribute to halitosis Mouthwash: rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash after brushing will boost the effects of tooth brushing. Avoid those containing alcohol, which dries the mouth and actually contribute to bad breath Reduce or eliminate the use of tobacco products Eat a healthy and varied diet with fruits and vegetables which can often naturally eliminate harmful bacteria in the mouth Drink plenty of water Chew sugar free gum after a meal Bad Breath and Your Health There are several health concerns that can also be the underlying cause of halitosis and should be addressed by Dr. Sheen: Gum disease or tooth cavities The use of certain medications Dry mouth, or xerostomia, caused by a variety of factors Respiratory infections, pneumonia Acid reflux Halitosis can also signal systemic disease such as diabetes or liver and kidney problems. When visiting with Dr. Sheen, it is important to discuss your concerns about persistent bad breath so that we may assist you in identifying the cause and ensuring that any health concerns are addressed. As your dentist, Dr. Sheen is a partner in your overall health care and strives to help you maintain both a healthy smile and a healthy lifestyle!

Sports Injuries and Custom Mouth Guards..

11/21/2015 11:21:00 AM by Vernon Sheen, DMD

The fall season is quickly approaching, and you know what that means! School is starting this month and many fall sports have already begun. You don’t want the threat of a dental injury to ruin the fun of your chosen sport, resulting in possible tooth damage and loss. Annapolis, MD dentist, Dr. Vernon Sheen, wants to put smile protection at the forefront of the preventive health conversation and emphasize the important role of csutom mouth guards for the upcoming sports season. Chances are that if you or your child play a sport currently or have played one before, you are intimately familiar with the annoyance that the average store bought mouth guards can be when it comes to fit and comfort. We understand that store-bought mouth guards often don’t fit properly and can be distracting during a game, but we also want you to know how important it is for you to wear one. If you were to be hit in the mouth during a contact sport, mouth guards can absorb most of the force and protect your teeth, lips, and tongue from injury. In order for mouth guards to accomplish this, they must fit properly. A well-fitting mouth guard allows you to speak and breathe and stays in place during activity. Your dentist can create a custom-fitting mouth guard that is both comfortable and durable. These custom-fitting mouth guards afford you the best protection from broken teeth and, in some cases, can also improve athletic performance by reducing the amount of energy used clenching the jaw. There is a reason why professional athletes use custom fit sports mouth guards on the field! If your child wears braces or has any type of dental appliance, a custom mouth guard will be more effective than a store bought option in protecting this “dental investment” during contact play and in the event of an accident. Summer is almost over and fall sports practices will be starting before you know it! If you are interested in being fitted for a custom mouth guard, schedule an appointment with Dr. Sheen in our Annapolis, MD dentist office.

The Effects of Sleep Apnea…

11/21/2015 11:20:00 AM by Vernon Sheen, DMD

Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea are becoming a growing health concern. Annapolis, MD Dentist Dr. Vernon Sheen offers diagnosis and treatment for sleep apnea and snoring to improve health and reduce the risks of greater health risks. The medical field, including dentists who treat sleep apnea, are becoming more aware of the detrimental effects that a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea can have on overall health and physical well being. Sleep apnea has been thought of as a common problem for patients who are overweight, but an increasing number of people who are NOT overweight are being diagnosed with sleep apnea and realizing how it was affecting their daily life. Sleep Apnea and Gout Recent medical studies have identified the correlation between sleep apnea and gout. The physiological changes that can occur during sleep apnea have been shown to cause attacks of gout, often in patients who do not have any obvious risk factors for sleep apnea. Dr. Sheen works with patients who complain of snoring to determine if they do have a sleep disorder or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) which can be effectively treated to restore health. Dr. Sheen will discuss your medical history, lifestyle habits and health concerns and may recommend that a sleep study be performed for diagnosis. Understanding the common signs of sleep apnea is important, as many patients suffer for years without being diagnosed: Feeling groggy or sleepy during the day Dry mouth in the morning Snoring Headaches in the morning Difficulty concentrating Restless sleep, sudden waking It is now likely that experiencing attacks of gout can also be considered a sign that you are suffering from a sleep disorder, especially if you have no other risk factors for gout. A good night’s sleep is the key to overall wellness and a good quality of life each day. If you have concerns about your snoring, sleep habits or have a partner who snores, discuss them with Dr. Sheen. Restoring your sleep will reduce your risk of overall health problems and have you enjoying life again- feeling wide awake!

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