Chevy Chase Digital Dentistry: Andrew C Cobb, DDS

4400 Jenifer St. NW # 340, Washington DC, 20015


How to Deal with Bad Breath…

12/10/2015 3:29:00 PM by Chevy Chase Digital Dentistry: Andrew C Cobb, DDS

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a common complaint and can be caused by a variety of lifestyle habits or health concerns. Dr. Andrew C. Cobb understands your personal concerns and will take the time during your visit to our Washington, DC office to determine the cause and recommend appropriate treatment. In many cases, a change in lifestyle habits or additional oral hygiene is sufficient to address chronic bad breath. Here are a few quick tips on how best to keep your breath fresh: Brush and floss daily: brushing the teeth twice a day for two minutes (2X2) reduces bacteria in the mouth and removes food particles that become lodged and contribute to halitosis Mouthwash: rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash after brushing will boost the effects of tooth brushing. Avoid those containing alcohol, which dries the mouth and actually contribute to bad breath Reduce or eliminate the use of tobacco products Eat a healthy and varied diet with fruits and vegetables which can often naturally eliminate harmful bacteria in the mouth Drink plenty of water Chew sugar free gum after a meal Bad Breath and Your Health There are several health concerns that can also be the underlying cause of halitosis and should be addressed by Dr. Cobb: Gum disease or tooth cavities The use of certain medications Dry mouth, or xerostomia, caused by a variety of factors Respiratory infections, pneumonia Acid reflux Halitosis can also signal systemic disease such as diabetes or liver and kidney problems. When visiting with Dr. Cobb, it is important to discuss your concerns about persistent bad breath so that we may assist you in identifying the cause and ensuring that any health concerns are addressed. As your dentist, Dr. Cobb is a partner in your overall health care and strives to help you maintain both a healthy smile and a healthy lifestyle!

Back to School Cavity Prevention..

12/10/2015 3:29:00 PM by Chevy Chase Digital Dentistry: Andrew C Cobb, DDS

As parents, the end of summer marks the beginning of back-to-school preparation. This includes school supply shopping, summer reading, and visits with your child’s doctor and dentist to ensure that he or she is healthy for the upcoming school year. While a visit to the dentist may not seem as important as a physical examination at the doctor, your child’s oral health is in fact crucial to his or her overall health. Dr. Andrew C. Cobb understands that back-to-school preparations can be stressful on both parents and children and would like to offer some tips on how to ace that dental checkup and stay cavity-free for the whole school year! Cavity Prevention in Children Diligent oral hygiene maintenance is the strongest foundation for a healthy mouth. As parents, it is your responsibility to instill positive oral health habits in your child from the very beginning. Did you know that over half of children aged 5-9 have at least one cavity? You can prevent your child from becoming a part of this statistic simply by encouraging them to brush for 2 minutes twice daily (2 X 2) and floss once daily. During routine visits to our Washington, DC office, we take the time to show our young patients how to effectively brush and floss to maintain tooth enamel and oral health. You can also improve your child’s oral health by preparing meals that are low in sugar and discouraging in-between meal snacking and sugary drinks- including ghettoes popular sports drinks! Snacking provides more opportunities for the bacteria in your mouth to feed on sugar and produce acids that destroy tooth enamel and cause cavities. Tooth decay is an infectious disease and is especially prevalent among school children; tooth-related illnesses account for the loss of 52 million school hours each year. If your child is especially prone to cavities or if a low-sugar diet is not entirely realistic, you may want to talk to Dr. Cobb about preventative sealants. This dental procedure uses a resin to fill in the pits and grooves on your molar teeth and makes them a less favorable environment for bacterial invasion. We hope that you found these suggestions helpful and Dr. Cobb and his staff would like to wish you a happy and healthy new school year!

Maintain Your Dental Health Thru The Holidays

12/10/2015 3:28:00 PM by Chevy Chase Digital Dentistry: Andrew C Cobb, DDS

The holidays are full of busy days, parties, family memories- and lots of great sweets and goodies that can affect not only our waistline- but our oral health! Washington, DC Dentist Dr. Andrew C. Cobb offers holiday wishes to all patients- as well as a few quick tips for keeping your smile healthy while enjoying the best the season has to offer. Enjoy those cakes, cookies and candies in moderation- good for the smile and the waistline! Chew sugar free gum or rinse with water after a sweet snack or dark beverages such as red wine Never use your teeth to crack a nut or open a package- keep the right tools handy for guests Brush and floss daily, even when your routine is disrupted by fun and travel Be sure to visit our office for ROUTINE DENTAL CARE as needed to keep your teeth and gums healthy In case of the unexpected dental emergency, contact our Washington, DC dentist office as soon as possible for advice on how best to handle the situation and mitigate permanent damage. Is holiday stress leading to teeth grinding or jaw clenching? If so, contact our dentist office to schedule a visit and learn more about how a custom mouth guard could protect your teeth and improve dental health. Left untreated, tooth grinding (also called bruxism) can lead to tooth damage and other dental problems. Looking for a quick smile makeover for those holiday parties and events? Schedule a teeth whitening treatment after your routine dental cleaning for a bright, white smile you will be happy to share. It may also be the inspiration you need to practice the tips mentioned above and moderate those dark foods and beverages. Happy Holidays from Dr. Cobb!

TMJ..Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

12/10/2015 3:28:00 PM by Chevy Chase Digital Dentistry: Andrew C Cobb, DDS

Suffering with frequent headaches? Jaw pain? Difficulty chewing? You may have a Temporomandibular disorder (TMD), or bite disorder, commonly called TMJ. TMJ, which means temporomandibular joint, is a dental health condition where the chewing muscles within the mouth are greatly affected in functionality. These are located near the joints between the base of the skull and the lower jaw. For most patients, TMJ is the result of an underlying dental problem that has led to an imbalance in the bite. While in most cases, the signs and symptoms of the disorder are not severe, they can affect the quality of life and lead to more complex dental problems down the road. Washington, DC Dentist Dr. Andrew C. Cobb offers diagnosis and treatment for bite disorders such as TMJ to relieve symptoms and restore your quality of life. Symptoms of the Disorder Patients suffering from a TMJ disorder, experience the following troubling signs of TMJ, • Limited or restricted jaw mobility • Teeth clenching or grinding • Signs of tooth wear • Shoulder and neck pain • Migraines or headaches • Earaches • Popping, grating or clicking noises while chewing or during mouth movement • Muscle pain around the jaw area • Feeling of a stuck jaw which makes eating difficult All of these symptoms are clear signs that you might be suffering from a TMJ disorder. Causes of TMJ The disorder may be caused by a variety of underlying problems: • Bruxism, that is grinding and clenching of teeth during sleep • Any injury to the joint area caused by an accident or surgical procedure • Any bite disorders, like an uneven bite due to fitted dentures, fillings and dental crowns • Stress TMJ Therapy: Treatment Options To ensure a good quality of life and lasting dental health, it is important to seek treatment in the early stages. Dr. Cobb will assess your overall dental health, including the function of your jaw joints, to determine the underlying cause of TMJ. He will look for signs of teeth grinding, a common symptom of a bite disorder which can lead to damaged or lost teeth. Dr. Cobb will create an individual treatment plan designed to help restore a healthy smile and lasting oral health. Treatment options can include: • Dental splint therapy • Orthodontic treatment • Occlusal equilibration • Mouth guard Left untreated, TMJ can have a dramatic impact on oral health over time, often damaging teeth and further affecting the alignment of the bite. If you are suffering with any of the symptoms mentioned above, or have been avoiding the dentist for some time, call our Washington, DC dentist office and schedule an appointment. Dr. Cobb can help you get back a healthy, functional and happy smile.

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